Petite Rose

Petite Rose


Petite Rose

Whatever your romantic message, red roses are just the thing to make a big gesture to your partner with. By the way, the meaning of the rose is deeper than it seems at first glance. It is a symbol of the world that is ever changing and opening up with new facets. The flower grows in the divine garden of Eden and carries the message of mercy, forgiveness, universal love, and victory.

This chunk® is only compatible with Petite line bracelets.

We have a dedicated section in our online store for these products.

Material - Brass

Color - Gold

Сountry - Nepal

Thematics - Love

We, Noosa-Amsterdam Lab B.V., a manufacturer and seller of NOOSA-Amsterdam products, hereby confirm that this item fully complies with EC/EU product directives and harmonized standards. The product is completely safe and meets the requirements of the safety regulations of the applicable guidelines. We allow the product to be used.

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