Wild rose violet

Wild rose violet


Wild rose violet


Perhaps no other flower has been praised in legends as much as the wild rose has. Since the time of Queen Victoria, it has been believed that the plant represents tender feelings and spiritual harmony in people. For centuries, the wild roses have been seen as a symbol of infinity and the importance of appreciating the present moment. The symbol depicted on our product is often considered a talisman for good health, youthfulness, protection from negative influences, and financial prosperity.

Material - Spondylus shell

Color - Violet

Сountry - Peru

Thematics - Health

We, Noosa-Amsterdam Lab B.V., a manufacturer and seller of NOOSA-Amsterdam products, hereby confirm that this item fully complies with EC/EU product directives and harmonized standards. The product is completely safe and meets the requirements of the safety regulations of the applicable guidelines. We allow the product to be used.

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